Hi there, I been looking through the site, and I have a little problem finding if you're friend is playing a guitar, i C, how do you figure what key you harp should be to play along with him ?hope it makes sence, because I don't know any other way to say it, I have been playing the harp for some time now, And I was on this big scout camp Blue Summer, and there it is normal to have a guitar at the campfires at night, and me and my friend have a talk about how you could find the right key to play on the harp. So I hope anyone here can help me out.
Most importantly, it really depends on whether your decide to play 1st Position or 2nd Position-
If you want to jam in a bluesy manner rather than playing a melody, you will most likely want to use 2nd Position (although you can also jam a bit in 1st).
The 1st Position key is always the same as the guitar key.
Use this chart for determining which harmonica to pickup to accompany the guitar if you choose to play in 2nd-
Here is another way of looking at it-
Play on,