Member since Jan-30-06
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Mar-06-06, 08:00 AM (PST) |
"Bent notes and Chromatic tuner"
Dave, great tip to check on bending! ive been playing 6 weeks now and I thought I was hitting the basic bends--2,3 and 4 draw ok, but I wasnt sure. I saw the tip about using a chromatic tuner--I should have thought of that since I just started playing guitar and I have one anyway. So I gave it a shot, and BAM! I was hitting them all just fine. Hole 4 D to Db is easy, and so is Hole 3 B to A# or A, but I cant yet bend a full step and a half down to Ab. Hole 2 G to F# and F is ok too, and I also discovered a flaw in my single note playing using the tuner too--I was often missing G and playing F# on draw 2...I got so used to bending it because it sounds good that I was automatically bending it from the get-go. So I adjusted, opening my mouth a little wider, to get a clean G. Anyway, excellent tip and big help. Also, Dave, thanks for offereng to listen to a short mp# of my playing but Im kind of a techno-incompetant--I wouldnt know how to make one.
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