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Subject: "Bending - yet again" Archived thread - Read only
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Member since Jan-15-06
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Mar-26-06, 12:21 PM (PST)
Click to EMail jdharp Click to send private message to jdharp Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
"Bending - yet again"
   I on about my 3rd month of learning the harp.
I've read all the posting on bending and of course the lessons on bending.
I am having some success. On the C Harp I can
do 1Draw D to C#, 2Draw G to F# and F, 4draw C to C#. These
I seem to be able to do fairly reliably.

So, 3 draw is supposed to be able to go a step and a half.
You'd think because it has the biggest range of bend notes
it would be the easiest to bend! But when I try to bend
3 draw it is just hard to move. I seem to have to really
draw hard, a lot harder than 1D, 2D, or 4D to get it to move.
I do have some success with the "tilt" method on 3Draw but it
ends up sounding a bit muffled.

Is what I am experiencing common? Is the technique required
for 3Draw that much different from the others? Do I have to draw
harder on 3 to get it to move? BTW - I do pretty good with just
plain old single notes. I do have a tuner for tone checking.

JD (John).

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Member since Jan-20-03
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Mar-26-06, 01:04 PM (PST)
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1. "RE: Bending - yet again"
In response to message #0

Have you tried to bend hole 3 draw on a different key harmonica (like on a key of "D" or "A") or a different model or brand of the same key (if you're using a Lee Oskar, you could try the Special 20 or vice-versa)?

If the harmonica you have now is leaking a bit of air on hole 3 draw, this will most likely cause you to 'suck' more with your lips and make bending even more difficult.

As you get better and better, sometimes the harmonica can be some of the cause of problems. The more harmonicas you play, the more sense this will make.

Play on,
Dave Gage

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Member since Jan-15-06
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Mar-27-06, 03:06 AM (PST)
Click to EMail jdharp Click to send private message to jdharp Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
2. "RE: Bending - yet again"
In response to message #1
   Yes - I should have mentioned that I have several harps.
I have about 4 Key of C harps because I wanted to experiment
with different harps. I also have several other keyed harps.
I pretty much get the same reaction on all the harps. So,
it is the bender, not the bendie

I have the same issue, for example with the 2 Draw on an E harp.
In both cases this is a "B" note that I am tring to bend. So the
reaction I get seems to be more related to the specific note and
reed than the 3 hole. So, I figure (at bit of conjecture on my part),
that what it takes to bend depends on the specific note and reed.


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Member since Jan-20-03
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Mar-29-06, 04:16 PM (PST)
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3. "RE: Bending - yet again"
In response to message #2
LAST EDITED ON Mar-29-06 AT 04:19 PM (PST)
Yes, it is you.

It is very, very difficult to disassociate sucking with your lips and mouth when bending, especially when you know if will be a tough hole to bend on. I wish I had a magic shortcut or solution, but frankly, practice and stick-to-it-ness are the only real answers. Do attempt to very slowly try to bend while being very conscious of not allowing any tightening or sucking to occur within your mouth at any point in the process. Go really, really slow like 1/10th of your normal bending speed.

JOHN: "So the reaction I get seems to be more related to the specific note"
DG: No, that's coincedence more than anything.

Play on,
Dave Gage

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Member since Jan-15-06
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Apr-02-06, 07:35 AM (PST)
Click to EMail jdharp Click to send private message to jdharp Click to view user profileClick to add this user to your buddy list  
4. "RE: Bending - yet again"
In response to message #3
   OK - Making progress.

I am occasionally getting down to G# on C-Harp draw hole 3.
I am very excited! And yes I have discovered that relaxing is
key. So I'm working on perfecting it.

Dave - given your last comment on the reply above about the specific
note - the question I have then is:

For any key harp can I expect the same range of notes on
the same holes. On any Key I should be able to bend
0.5 step on 1-draw, 1 full step on 2-draw, 1.5 steps on 3-draw,
and 0.5 steps on 4-draw? ....AND...can I exoect the same
technique to work on all harps?

I was under the impression the the amount of bend was note/reed)



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Member since Jan-20-03
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Apr-02-06, 01:54 PM (PST)
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5. "RE: Bending - yet again"
In response to message #4
JOHN: "On any Key I should be able to bend
0.5 step on 1-draw, 1 full step on 2-draw, 1.5 steps on 3-draw,
and 0.5 steps on 4-draw?"
DG: Yes. Some people find lower keys easier to bend, and some people find the higher keys easier, but they all bend the same amount.

JOHN: "Can I exoect the same technique to work on all harps?"
DG: Yes and no. It is the exact same technique, but the amount of air pressure (from correct breathing) may change slightly from key to key.

Keep in mind that the higher keys and higher notes have shorter reeds, and although the "sweet spot" of the reed may be relatively the same with a low or high key, the shorter reeds are stiffer than the longer reeds and may feel like they require more pressure (but remember to stay relaxed even though you are exerting more pressure with your breathing).

Play on,
Dave Gage

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