www.patmissin.comYou didn't say how experienced you are, or where you live. I'm plenty experienced at harp shopping. This is an expensive hobby if you are determined to experiment.
Dannecker Harps are specialty harps. They cost about $150 US or &75 pounds UK. The heck of it is that you can't try a harmonica in a music store like a guitar. Speaking as someone that has been there and done that, I don't recommend experimentation. Richter tuned harps are the best. The boss has a chart of the harps he is familiar with. The Lee Oskar line and the Hohner special 20s are as good as your going to get unless you are an expert and have something very specific that you want, and can articulate to a craftsman. If you mostly tongue block, go with special 20s and don't even consider anything else. Most pros use Lee Oskars. They last long and have replacement parts that make them as inexpensive to use as any harmonica. Lee Oskars are also about as high quality as they come.
There is an online store on this site, if you live in the US it is as good as you are going to get.
Suzuki HarpMasters and Bushman DeltaFrosts are good, but they are extremely bright and free blowing. That has to be what you want if you go in that direction.
Seydells are good too. Stick with the plastic comb. I think the plastic comb model is called a Blues Session. If you live outside the european union the tax savings will pay for the shipping. A US dollar is about one Euro to Seydell when they calculate shipping. Seydell also does custom tunings for $10 more. I don't recommend them, even though they will be tuned top dead center. Seydell uses extremely odd tunings in an attempt to get chords out of their specialty harps. They have a lot of brains and don't put them to good use. Lee Oskar has the market cornered on alternate tunings that are worth anything, and there is no extra cost. Craftsmen charge a minimum of $30 plus shipping, plus the price of the harp. There will be a 6 month waiting period. Pat Missin is darn good. He has a shop in Ohio and in the UK also. Try to avoid getting into a conversation with a craftsman about tuning. It is a science and an art. There is a lot to think about if you try to make chords rather than go with equal temperament. The more you learn, the more you will appriciate heir Richter. Lee Oskars and Special 20s will serve you well.Dan