Does anyone know where I can get a harmonica synthesizer... or if one even exists...I think it would be neat to try one out.
I think actually what you're asking is if there is a decent Pitch to MIDI converter that works well with the harmonica. The answer is, after looking for about 20 years, I haven't found one that tracks very well when "hearing" harmonica notes, so no. The tracking is too slow and they tend to insert a lot of wrong notes. If one did work well, you could access any number of MIDI sounds available to keyboard players.
There is something called "Walter Miller's Millioniser 2000", which is an actual MIDI harmonica (linked at http://www.harmonicalinks.com/vendor.html), but I haven't tried it and don't know anybody that has. If it still exists, it is most likely on the pricey side.
Good luck,
Dave G
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