Hey Snooker,I just got a Promaster valved monday. I had the Promaster unvalved. And i got the XB-40 a couple of weeks ago. Why? to play chromatically on a diatonic!
Both harps are interesting i think. The XB-40 being the most advanced. The bended notes are more "clean" - and you have many possibilities to play a given note. You can also slide with notes that you can't on a normally diatonic (valved or not). You can play 7 notes in hole 3! (full blow-bend on 3 = full draw bend on 2!). I guess you can get used to the bigger size - but i like the small diatonics. The normal diatonic is easier to hand-vibratoes and such. Much more difficult with a XB-40. The sound/tone is different on a XB-40 (just different - not bad). Size of the comb = Hohner 260 comb.
On the Promaster i could blow-bend rightaway. But draw-bends wasn't there at once (actually i first thought, there were no valves on hole 7-10, but they actually are there). Now i can get the 7 draw-bend which give me 12th position straight. To me the "new" draw-bends aren't easy - the valves rattles and so on. But i think i will have it ok in a week or so. The valves are small plastic-flaps covering the holes in the reedplate - opposite the reeds. 6 on hole 1-6 (on the drawside - you can se them through the combs-holes without dismounting the harp, they are white) - and 4 on hole 7-10 (blow-side - you can see them too from the other side of the harp). Nothing special in fact - you could make it yourself on an ordinary Promaster or other diatonic. But it works!
I have both harps in C - considering to buy the Overdrive too. But i think i will do a bit more researching first. I like them both. I wish the XB-40 was as small as the Promaster. XB-40 being the easiest to play - and with more possibilities (things that you can't do on any other harps). For the time being the Promaster is my favorit i think. The harp is much more comfortable - and i like the sound and it's size.
Here are some threads upon the XB-40 (taken from "INDEX TO POPULAR TOPICS & POSTS" - first thread in this section)
I would like to know if you had same experience with the draw-bends being much more difficult then the blow-bends?