Eric,Check out the chromatic harmonica posts at the bottom of this anchored topic to get you going-
Here's the layout of standard "C" chromatics:
You'll note that holes 1-4, 5-8, and 9-12 are identical except that they are higher or lower octaves.
The groups of 4 blow notes are "C E G C" and the set of 4 draw notes is "D F A B". I pronouce them "seg-see" and "dee-fab". These sequences start at holes 1, 5, and 9, so it's fairly easy to memorize where the notes are and what their name is.
All blow and draw notes of a standard chromatic will bend a bit, but be careful, the added stress from bending help speed up it's demise especially if you not bending correctly. Keep in mind, pressing the slide in will take whichever note you play and raise it one half-step.
Play on,
Dave Gage