Techniques: Advanced

Art- Advanced Techniques

Tongue Blocking Basics
Tongue Blocking Tricks
Throat Vibrato
Blow Bending

The advanced techniques are geared towards players that have been playing regularly for at least 3-6 months or longer. At this point, you should already be comfortable with the four basic techniques: single notes, hand effects, bending, breathing, and have at least a few songs and riffs memorized.

  • In regards to the Bending and Breathing techniques- You may not have yet mastered the bending and breathing since this can take many months or years to reach full mastery. But, it's to your advantage to be at least 50% competent on the more important bending and breathing techniques before adding the advanced techniques in this section.

  • The disadvantage of learning advanced techniques- Frustration. Jumping ahead to more advanced and difficult techniques doesn't save anyone any time. Being mediocre on many techniques is just not a good plan of attack. You are better off sounding good and playing confidently with fewer techniques. If you haven't already done so, spend plenty of time on the 4 basic techniques: Single Notes, Holding/Hand Effects, Bending, and Breathing and the More/Jamming techniques. Then, come back here and have some fun. In the meantime, it won't hurt to listen to the various sound files in this section to acquaint yourself with what's ahead.

Click here to get started with the "Tongue Blocking" technique.

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