Beginners Start Here: Intro Page
Welcome beginners to! If you are new to this website and/or new to the harmonica, please take a few minutes to look over our "Beginners Start Here" series of webpages before moving on.

- Do you have a playing question?- Our Members Area comes complete with live online classes which are free for all current members. Dave Gage personally handles the questions in the live online classes and private lessons. Click here for Signup-related questions.
Dave Gage, author of,
answers your questions
in live online classes
or with a private lesson.
- Harmonica is not as easy as it looks- Harmonica is not nearly as easy as most people would have you believe, but we've tried our best to make learning to play it as simple and straight forward as possible. You'll start with simple techniques and melodies; but stick with it and soon you will graduate to jamming blues, rock, country, bending notes, and sounding like the pros.
- The complete "Beginners Start Here" section- is available to full members at Harmonica In addition to the beginning instruction with Lesson Plans and 'Beginners Shortcuts', you have access to in-depth technique instruction, over 100 Tabs & Song Lessons, Live Online Classes, 45 hours of video, Blues Improv, Advanced Techniques, Scales and Theory, and more. Click here to become a member or to receive more membership info.
- Have fun!- ...that's why you picked up the harmonica in the first place. We hope you've just found yourself a new passion to last a lifetime.

You are now ready to move to the first page, Which Harmonica do I need? Read through this page to be sure you have the correct type of harmonica before going any further. If you don't yet have a harmonica, you can also link to buy one from this page.