Your Comments
If you have a comment about this site, your experience here, or a suggestion for Harmonica, please visit our Contact Us page and fill out our contact form. We cannot post all comments, but we do read each and every one.
- Love the site almost as much as I love the harmonica.
Dennis McCabe
- Hi Dave, I just wanted to tell you how much your course helped me. I have been playing harmonica for 30 years but never got past the intermediate level because I never practiced seriously, sort of using it as a side instrument for guitar.
I didn't like playing the harmonica that much cause it was such an effort and made my face hurt. Then I started having problems with my hands and decided to work on my harmonica skills instead of guitar. I signed up for your course and learned the importance of using the diaphragm and not the face muscles.
Well it only took a few months for my skill level to jump from intermediate to advanced. I started loving to play and it opened up a whole new musical world for me. I started enjoying practice and put in hours and hours playing and working on technique. That was less than a year ago. Well now I am playing in a delta blues duo and loving it. I get lots of compliments and feel I can hold my own in any situation.
Your course was the catalyst for all of this. I like the way you layout the facts about the importance of getting control of the diaphragm 1st before you can move on. And lets people know that this is not an instrument you can learn in a few hours but takes years of dedication.
The stuff about tone is great too and then the keyed out songs of some of the greats really helped too. I got to where I could key out any songs that I have on my ipod and now have over a hundred songs keyed of all different styles. It has certainly enriched my life.Thank you,
Randy P. Altis
- Hello, I just want to say you guys have been great. When I first
deployed I paid for a subscription. Because of a few distraction in Iraq
I wasn't able to practice and utilize your product. You were very
gracious and extended my membership free of charge which meant a lot to
me. Thank you for that. Maybe I will get to play when I retire because
the Army seems to want to keep sending me places away from home. My kids
are both going to take up the guitar and they are asking me to dust off
the banjo. So who knows one of these days I may need you for some banjo
lessons instead.
Again thanks for your support,
CW4 Luke Sweeney
Apache Instructor Pilot
7/6 Cavarly Regiment
- Hey Dave, I've been a member since early 2006, and I want to tell you I plan to
continue for 2011 and beyond. Every time I log on to your website, it's a really
pleasant experience. I am 61 years old, and have been blowing on a harp since I was 19. I used
to be a horse and buggy driver in St. Augustine, Fl., and I played my harp
to boost my tips as I spun around the Ancient City with a buggy full of
Thank you for doing a fantastic job for all us harmonica players,
- Awesome! I own a few harmonica tutorial books, but your site is "The All In One" book that I was looking for.
I thank you, many times over,
- You should have received my renewal payment via Paypal as this letter is being written. Your site is excellent and I couldn't be without it. Cheers Gringos & I'll have a beer for ya's.
Geraldton, Western Australia
- What an interesting site ! It is a real goldmine. Thanks to you, I can already play clean single notes and make up simple songs, although I began playing the harmonica but three days ago. However the bending technique seems very awkward to achieve but I have no doubt a quick glance at your bending page will solve the problem when it is time to learn this technique.
I intend to go as far as I can in the art of playing this instrument. Your advice is clear, efficient and everyone can learn from it, even if they have no experience whatsoever playing an instrument. I recommend this site to everyone who has music in their blood. I tried playing the guitar four years ago, but I must admit I never found the sources to learn from, not having the financial means to pay a teacher. This site is a personal teacher yet in the end you could still claim you have learned to play the harmonica all by yourself.Ludovic
Magny-en-Vexin, France
- WOW, what a great site, and Mr. Gage--you ROCK! I'm a big fan of Blues--have all of SRV's CD's. Now I want to get yours. I always had an interest in the harp, so a couple of weeks ago I bought a 'cheapie,' and began making noise. Then I found your site. Now I play "Popeye", and I'm learning "Home on the Range". Your way of teaching makes so much sense--I don't play or read music--and your way works for me. My friend is a Scoutmaster, and he got his son a harp--he now plays the military tune 'Taps.' I told them about your site. I only wish that I had started when I was in Scouts, and not waited until now (I'm 41). Anyway, I will stay glued to this site.
Thanks again,
Mike Weatherhead
Safford, Arizona
- I just wanted to let you guy's know what a great site you have here. I started to play about a year ago and up untill yesterday I couldn't bend a single note on my harp (Hohner Marine Band). I happen to know a few people who are quite accomplished blues harp players, but not one of them could realy explain the technique. I read the section on bending yesterday, memorized it and tried it out. And wouldn't you know it, I sucked the damn thing a couple of times and there it was! It's actually a lot easier than I thought. I don't think I ever could have done it without your lessons. Great stuff to say the least!
- Hi: Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate Harmonica --
I have learned much from your site this year. I have always loved the blues
and have been trying to play the harp off and on since I was about 15, but
never was able to stay focused on it for any length of time. Without proper
instruction I would get frustrated and give up.
Since there were no local harmonica instructors I began searching the web for information and found your site, I'm sure glad I did. I have devoted myself to learning the harp ever since and practice every day for at least two hours. My wife and kids are proud that I have learned so much without the benefit of formal lessons and are very supportive in my goal. My wife always knows what to get me now for birthdays and anniversary gifts (a new Lee Oskar harp). I still have not mastered the harp (yet), but I will now that I have the knowledge that I have gained from your site. Think I'll play my harp now.Thanks for all the help,
Steve Miles
Greenville, Texas
- I've just picked up the harmonica again after a ten year break. When I
first started to learn there were no websites with sound clips to help
me out. While I managed to teach myself the basics (and a lot of bad
habits), I never really progressed. I know this site is going to take me
to the next level. I can't thank you enough, it's a delight to be
learning again.
- Hey. I love your site. I just turned 50. I played bass guitar in a local party band when I was in my 20's. We played a lot of blues and blues type rock & roll. Then I got married, had 2 kids, and music gave way to a "day job" and family commitments. Well, now the kids are college age and I have some long breaks on my job. Two years ago I decided to buy a harmonica to play in my "down time". I bought a book ("Progressive Blues Harmonica" for beginners by William Lee Johnson) which helped me learn a lot of basic riffs and songs. But after a while, I seemed to hit a plateau. Then I discovered Harmonica and a whole new world opened up.
I now have 4 harps in C, D, A, &G and I have gotten comfortable jamming with MIDI files (or CDs once I find the proper key). Several features on this site helped a lot. I now know some songs in 1st, 3rd, and 4th position as well as many more in cross harp (2nd Position). I've always believed you can't have too much knowledge and this site has plenty. I use tabs and theory to get a basic pattern into muscle memory, then play around with it by ear until I am happy with my version. Keep up the good work.Thanks,
Dave Talbot
- I've been playing the harmonica for two weeks now and I love your site! Upgraded to a special 20 and immediately had success on bending the 4 draw! Your site is so full of tips and tricks its a rewarding experience every time I visit! Great site, great instruction! I haven't felt this excited about learning an instrument since i picked up a bass 18 years ago!!!
- I stumbled across your site from some other link to a link to a link, re Blues Harp. I would like to congratulate & praise you for the OBVIOUS DEDICATION to harmonica's. There has been a LOT of thought put into your site; thought that has come from experience, and it's NOT just another "Fast Buck Site". I believe it's the BEST harmonica site on the net. Again thanks for giving it to the world.
- Thanks. The best thing that's come to me from this incredible site isn't learning to play the harmonica, it's the wiggle I get from my girlfriend when I blow a riff. How sweet it is!!!!
- Where do I start? This Christmas I decided that at age 37 I had to learn how to play a musical instrument - now! Part blinding revelation, part something I've always wanted to do, part mid life(ish) crisis. Plus, with two little kids it would be good to have some real music in the house. Enter Found the site, purchased a Lee Oskar the next day, four hours and two extremeley numb lips later ACTUALLY PLAYING OH SUSANAH and almost as equally exciting MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB.
Now this was partly because I'd obviously been transported from the deep south at birth, but mainly due to this fantastic site. I've literally discovered a goldmine. 4 months down the line and due to your superb layout I'm playing along to the Beatles (ok, only 2 riffs but still a massive buzz), worked out the notes to Danny Boy, and play a mean dirty blues ROW, ROW, ROW YOUR BOAT! (still can't draw on 2 though).
Well, back to the site and "Louisiana Red" out the speakers, now there's another thing - rediscovering the Blues .....
Great instrument, great site, this is what the Internet was invented for, thanks a million.
Birmingham, England (spiritually Alabama)
- I love this web site.
Mickey Raphael
Harmonica player with Willie Nelson
- Part 1: I got a Marine Band when I was 12 or so, and never really learned what to do with it. I figured out "Piano Man" on my own, because, hey, doesn't
everybody? But I regained interest as an adult and, after years of guitar,
was thrilled to find "tablature" for harmonica too--I was instantly able to
understand and appreciate it. I totally wowed them in an audition by
whipping out a harp for the solo of "What I Like About You"--and I got the
gig! I owe it all to you.
Part 2: Yes--thanks to the advice on your site, I have since picked up two Lee Oskars, and I used your referral link. I actually got that lousy Jambone 3-pack because they were cheap and I wanted to see if I could even make sounds on purpose, but once I realized "Okay, I can do this," I upgraded to the Oskars and could not believe what a difference the quality made! The Jambones were worth the $10 to learn good from bad. :)Dan Amrich
- I was getting pretty frustrated trying to learn the Harp alone when I came across your web site. I find it very clear and interesting. It's already corrected some mistakes and answered questions on theory and maintenance. It's the next best thing to having a private teacher sitting with you! I'm now on my way to upgrading my Hohner Blues Harp to one of your two recommended types. My current battle is trying to blow single notes using the pucker, or whistle method. I still find the curled tongue method for getting strong clear notes quite easy . However, I'll keep at it, because, as your instructions say, it'll make advanced blues playing much easier in the future. One final thing, I hope that some day you'll be able to service the Canadian market with your super deals !!
- I can't thank you enough for this website! A few months ago I wanted to learn harmonica. I went out and bought a "C", then checked around on the net and found your site. I can't believe the wealth of info you have. The Real Audio sections help so much. Thanks to your site I am getting a little better every day. Just wanted to drop you a line to tell you how much you're helping people to play this awesome instrument. Thanks again!
Mark Uricheck
Old Forge, PA
- Hi,
Like others who have posted, I find your site extremely good. You have a lot of good information, clearly presented, all in one place. I spent a couple of hours tonight going through your site, getting clear on a few things, reviewing some others, and learning a few things I did not know. There's also too much on your site for one visit, so I've bookmarked it and will definitely be back. Thanks, and keep up the good work.John Kerkhoven
Montreal, Canada
- I am 15 years of age, and have recently taken up the harmonica. I have found your site invaluble for tips, links and other resources. I can't think of a better way to learn about playing the harmonica, especially on a 15 year old's budget. Thank you for a brilliant site and introducing me to brilliant hobby.
Chris Chambers,
Durham City, England
- Great site!!!
I've been playing harmonica for about 13 years. I have a definite blues sound, but not true mastery. Since I've been poking thru your articles, I've come further in the last few months than in the last few years.Keep up the good work!!
- Hi,
I live in Perth, Western Australia and I stumbled onto your web site; it is fantastic. I have loved the blues since I was a little boy, but could never play a single note on a Harp. The more I use the techniques, the better I get. We have places to learn the Harp here, but the costs associated are scary. I hope to play the Harp like Charlie Musslwhite one day on "Dreaming Again". Keep up the Harp spirit and bend those notes.Thanks again for your help,
- Thank you for the best harp site on the net. Each time I log on I learn something new. I am a beginning harp player. I struggled around with the books. Now I think I wasted the money. The web is a great place to learn and buy. I just bought an amplifier and 6 new harps, and a bullet mic from your site. While I browse, I listen to MSN music on the laptop. I drop my browsing and grab a harp when a good tune comes on the blues channel. So all at once I am shopping, learning, practicing, and jamming. What better way to learn? I am really getting this thing since I found you, thanks.
Jon Charles
- I have very much enjoyed perusing this site, and find the information very helpful and understandable. Thankfully absent are complicated notions that are hard to understand, let alone apply. Far better then a few books I've seen and other stuff.
I've messed around with a harmonica on and off for some time, but never really understood the technique issues until now. For now, my playing is confined to the car while sitting in traffic each day. Perhaps some day I'll get to the point where I'll roll down the windows!!
Congrats on an excellent resource and thank you!
- I am a web designer and brand new at the harmonica. This site IS definitely structured properly and does its job. Very pleasing to the eye. And conducive to learning. I give it a 9 on a scale of 1-10.
(View original Message Board post)
- I'd just like to say that your website is fantastic, and explains the harmonica in such a clear and straight forward way that it makes learning a pleasure. Thanks!
Peter Z
- I just recently purchased a Hohner harmonica from a local music shop and instantly toyed around with its endless chromatic potential. After the fun and games, I realized that I wanted to play it seriously, and was reluctant to order a video tape or a guide. I logged on to the internet, searched for online guides pertaining to playing the harmonica and inevitably stumbled across your webpage. Within a matter of hours, I was playing along to "Blowing In The Wind" by Bob Dylan with ease. I just wanted to acknowledge and thank the webmasters of this website tremendously. And I emphasize the "tremendous" part. This website was an incredible convenience for me and really enabled me to learn at my own pace. Your work is greatly appreciated, and definetly got me very interested in pursueing the harmonica seriously.
Joel Mumma, 14
- I just came across your website while looking for audio files to add to my website. I have a Lee Oskar in the key of "C" and have to admit, I don't play very often since I am only a beginner. I do like to improvise, though, and after visiting your website, seeing and listening to all the helpful tips have truly spark my motivation to start playing more often (just not in the house per the wife's request). Thanks for being supportive and keep the site going. I will definitely be back.
Greg in Garden Grove
- Hi,
I'd just like to say this is the first time i've visited this site, and I think it is superb!!!!!!! I definitely intend to visit it a lot and hopefully become a confidant harmonica player. This won't be the last you hear from me I promise! Well done and a big thank you to the creators of this site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Michael