3 Month Mini-Memberships are a great way to sample a portion of the Members Area or save money by accessing just the instruction or content you need.
At any time (during or after completion), you can upgrade to a Full 1-Year Membership for $29.95. Please keep in mind, 1, 2, and 4 Year Full Memberships already include all content found in our Mini-Memberships.


Available Mini-Memberships:
- Chromatic Harmonica ($19.95 for 3 Months)
Description: Basic and Intermediate chromatic instruction with techniques, songs/tabs, scales, repair/cleaning information, etc. More content details. Requires a Key of "C" chromatic harmonica. Please note: This content is included FREE with any Full Membership -- 1, 2, or 4 Years. Sign-up.
- Repairs & Maintenance ($19.95 for 3 Months)
Description: Instructions with color photos for basic diatonic & chromatic repairs and maintenance. More content details. Please note: This content is included FREE with any Full Membership -- 1, 2, or 4 Years. Sign-up.
What is a "Mini-Membership"?-
You'll have access to a PORTION of the Members Area (the Mini-Membership) that you have purchased for a 3-Month period. The material found in this Mini-Membership section is from the Members Area and is considered complete for the topic of the Mini-Membership.
FREE with Full Membership-
Please note: All Mini-Membership content is included FREE with any Full Membership -- 1, 2, or 5 Years.
Non-accessible links- Many of the links supplying additional information (found in the left-column of the page) and topics outside the realm of the "Mini-Membership" will NOT work without a Full Membership. If you click on a non-accessible link, you will receive a Members Area Login page -- use your web browser's "Back" button to return to the previous page.
Sound file examples, color photos, graphics, and charts- Where and when applicable, all Mini-Memberships include these extra bits of content.
Purchase multiple Mini-Memberships- If you would like to purchase more than one Mini-Membership (although by doing so you will approach the price of a Full Membership which includes all website content and thus a better deal), you will need to complete the purchase of the first Mini-Membership and then return to the same Signup page to add another. Our system only allows 1 membership type per transaction.
Upgrade for Full Access to the Members Area- You may upgrade your 3 month Mini-Membership to a Full 1-Year Membership at any time (during or at completion) for $29.95.
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