Advanced Harmonica Lesson Sample Videos
Take a look at some sample video from the archived video found in our Members Area. Sign-up today to view the complete classes and lessons that these samples came from.

SAMPLE VIDEO: Advanced Harmonica Lessons

Dave explains how the concept of "Follow Through", as found in many sports, also applies directly to your breathing and airflow.

Learn the value of not just learning a scale up and down, but instead dividing the 2nd Position Blues Scale into smaller "bite-size" chunks, which can then be used as blues riffs.

Dave demonstrates how you can use the "Tonguing" technique to create interesting sounds such as the "Chicken Call".

INTERMEDIATE LEVEL VIDEO: Harmonica Note Bending Tips

The hole 1 Draw bend is the easiest on the harmonica for many people, but not for everyone. Dave's tips include: learn to control the angle of the airflow.
Dave's tips include: Don't try too hard, stay relaxed, let the bent note drop down in your body to belt level. Try NOT to tighten or suck with your lips.