Youtube Harmonica Lessons for Beginners
Visit our YouTube Channel- HarmonicaLessons, to watch lesson and instruction samples of our live classes and video. Be sure to Subscribe to our Channel at Youtube to keep up-to-date with new videos as soon they are posted. In the meantime, check out some of our You tube videos below.
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Become a Member Today to view the complete classes and lessons that these samples came from.

SAMPLE VIDEO: Harmonica Lessons for Beginners

In this excerpt, Dave discusses some of the reasons for playing in either 1st Position or 2nd Position.

Dave gives a general overview of what you can obtain from both diatonic and chromatic harmonicas in regards to harmonica chords.

INTERMEDIATE LEVEL VIDEO: Harmonica Note Bending Tips

The hole 1 Draw bend is the easiest on the harmonica for many people, but not for everyone. Dave's tips include: learn to control the angle of the airflow.
Dave's tips include: Don't try too hard, stay relaxed, let the bent note drop down in your body to belt level. Try NOT to tighten or suck with your lips.