Good to Know
Here's some additional starting out info that is "Good to Know". For instance, we may not be able to meet with you in person and for a private lesson, but we can supply you with some tips to help you find someone in your area that can.
- How can I find a Local Harmonica Instructor- Admittedly, harmonica can be a very tough instrument to learn without the help of an instructor to give you one-on-one feedback. Unfortunately, there aren't always qualified harmonica teachers available in every area of the country and the world. Here's a few suggestions for trying to locate a teacher in your area:
- Call all the local music stores. Look in the yellow pages of the phone book for store listings.
- Check for classes at the nearest community college(s).
- When visiting local clubs to hear music, seek out any and all bands with a harmonica player and ask if he or she knows someone who teaches or would be willing to teach them self.
- Still can't find a local harmonica teacher? Fear not, that's why we're here. Follow along, utilize the whole site, and you'll do just fine. 30-minute Video or Phone Lessons are also available with Dave Gage.
Check with local music stores for harmonica teachers. Pictured above is
McCabes Guitar Shop in Santa Monica, Calif.
- Call all the local music stores. Look in the yellow pages of the phone book for store listings.
- What's a Richter Tuning and '12-Bar Blues'?- You'll be surprised how much you can learn about the world of harmonica and music by just reading through the Terms & Definitions section. Lots o' good info to be found in there.
- Jam and practice to MIDI files on your computer- Our MIDI files page contains play-along 12-bar blues patterns that members can access anywhere there is a computer with sound. The 25 files are in five different keys with different feels and tempos to give you a variety of music to practice and play to.
- Use for harmonica product info- If you're wondering what a Natural Minor tuned harmonica is for, visit Harmonica and read through it's product description. You'll be surprised how much you can learn about harmonicas and harmonica products by just reading through the product descriptions.
- Members at Harmonica have access to:
- Over 190 Tabs & Song Lessons
- Complete Beginners' Section with "Lesson Plans" and "Beginners' Shortcuts"
- In-depth technique instruction on: Single Notes, Holding/Hand Effects, Bending, Breathing, Jamming techniques, Using Chords, and more.
- Blues Improv, Advanced Techniques, Scales, and Theory
- Audio playing examples & downloadable "Jam-to" MIDI files
- Discussion Forums
- 90 CDs listed with Song and Harmonica Keys
- Plenty of extras: Featured Articles, Short Stories, Games, Mics & Amps, Repairs & Maintenance, History of the Harmonica, and more.
- Ever-expanding info and instruction
- Become a member

At this point, Harmonica Members may want to take a look at the Lesson Plans and Beginners' Shortcuts sections and begin practicing and learning some basic techniques and songs. If you have not yet become a member, click here for signup info.