Membership Features & Benefits |
Since 1999: In-depth technique instruction -- Over 190 tabs and songs -- Learn to play the blues. Gain complete site access. Everything in the "Full Membership" list below is available with Membership at HarmonicaLessons.com.
525 pages of Content
(includes all Mini-Memberships)
- Beginners Start Here- New to this site or to the harmonica. Complete section includes:
- Lesson Plans
- Beginner's Shortcuts
- Over 190 Tabs & Song Lessons available:
- 190 Tabs & Song MASTER LIST
- Song Lessons- Major Scale, Oh Susanna, Blowing in the Wind- Bob Dylan, 12 Bar Blues Boogie, and more.
- View Tabbed Solos list
- Tabs- Neil Young, Christmas, John Popper, Hymns, Kids Songs.
- Basic Blues Improv:
- Blues Riffs
- Target Notes
- Techniques Improv
- "When In Doubt..."
- 'Jam-To' MIDI Files (65)
- Mics & Amps- What you need to have to play "live".
- Technique Instruction:
- Single Notes
- Holding/Hand Effects
- Bending
- Breathing
- Plus: Tonguing, slides, warbles, chording
- General Overview- Topics include diatonic vs. chromatic harmonica, basic 1st and 2nd position theory.
- CDs: Song Keys- CD "keyed" so that you can jam to them.
- List by Artist or Style
- 90 CDs "keyed"
- Most Requested Songs
- One Liner Tips- a collection of instructional tips and suggestions.
- Theory Section- Music & Harmonica theory.
- Advanced Techniques:
- Tongue Blocking
- Scales
- Throat Vibrato
- Blow Bends
- FAQs- a large collection of Frequently Asked Questions about harmonica
- Terms & Defintions- Common terms and concepts found in music and harmonica playing.
- Recommended Harmonicas- Which one should I get and why?
- Newsletter Signup- Free !! News, new additions, song tab, tips, and much more.
- Discussion Forums- Now with selected MP3 audio responses from Dave Gage. 6 Forums.
- Chat Room
- Repairs & Maintenance- Keep it in good playing condition.
- Chromatic Harmonica Instruction- List of Topics & Songs.
- Audio and MIDI files- Audio examples and over 65 'Jam-to' MIDI files.
- Plenty of extras-
- "Featured Articles" by Pros
- Player Analysis
- Harmonica History
- Short Stories
- Games
- More photos, graphics, and charts
- Message Board Archives- nearly 10,000 questions, answers, and comments are stored.
- Also:
"Your Comments"
"Tip of the Day"
Site Map/Search
Hall of Fame Supporters
- Signup !!
FREE Samples:
- Benefits of Membership -
- Dave Gage, Founder and Author- Learn with Dave who has played and taught professionally since 1979 and has logged over 10,000 hours of private and group instruction. Read more about and listen to Dave Gage play harmonica.
- Over 45 Hours of Instructional Video- Live online harmonica lessons are edited with additional annotations and posted in the Members Area to view at any time (as many times as you want).
- Attend up to 12 Live Online Harmonica Classes (every month)- Learn in "real time" with live online classes. FREE with any membership. View our Upcoming "Live" Harmonica Class Schedule.
- Beginners are Welcome!- We have a complete section specifically for those who have never played harmonica or any other instrument before. We make it easy to get playing right away with Beginner Harmonica videos and Lesson Plans. Learn at your own pace.
View Sample Video & Pages.
- "Everything you need in one place": Video, Text, Audio, Live Classes- Everyone learns differently. Use what works best for you.
- Over 600 webpages of Tutorials and Harmonica Instruction- We're the "World's Most Complete Harmonica Resource" for learning to play harmonica or improving your blues harp playing.
- Learn to Jam/Play Blues Harp- Improv sections include: Beginner Blues Scale, Blues Riffs, Target Notes, 12-Bar Blues, Techniques Improv, "When In Doubt..." jamming tips, 'Jam-To' MIDI Files (over 60). Great for beginners and up.
- In-Depth Technique Instruction- Learn basic and more advanced harmonica playing techniques the first time. Extensive instruction for basics like: Single Notes, Holding/Hand Effects, Bending, and Breathing complete with illustrations, graphs, and sounds. Plus: Tonguing (articulation), slides, warbles, chording, tongue-blocking, tongue-switching, blow bends, throat vibrato, and more.
- Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced levels- Information and instruction for all levels of harmonica players.
- Tabs & Songs section- Includes 190 of the most popular and requested harmonica tabs and songs anywhere. Stop buying harmonica books. Plus, member submitted tabs in our Forums.
- Chromatic Harmonica Instruction- After diatonic harmonica, the second most popular type of harmonica in the world. Played by Stevie Wonder and Toots Thielemans. 115 Songs, parts and scales plus instruction. More Chromatic Harmonica details.
- CDs: Song Keys- Over 90 CDs and DVDs keyed. Great for practicing to because you'll know the right key of harmonica.

- iPhone, iPad, and Android device friendly- All webpages and media are optimized to be compatible with all devices and web browsers.
- Discussion Forums- Use our forums to ask questions, discuss playing problems, or just share your thoughts. You can also submit a video or MP3 for a FREE Player Critique via our Members Forum. Plus, over 150 member created song tabs.
- Theory section- Harmonica theory and music theory complete with illustrations, charts, and graphs.
- Mics and Amps section- What to look for and how to use harmonica / blues harp mics and amps for playing "live".
- Repair and Maintenance section- Easy "do-it-yourself" harmonica cleaning and repairs.
- "History of the Harmonica"- Learn how the harmonica came about.
- "Whammer Jammer" Super-Advanced Song Lesson-
the classic blues harp instrumental by Magic Dick (J. Geils Band) note by note.
- John Popper's "Run-Around" tab- Harmonica parts and solos.
- Much More- One Liner Tips, Beginner's Shortcuts, Harmonica Terms & Definitions, FAQs, Games, Guitar/Harmonica Info, Short Stories, Featured Articles, Dave Gage Blogs, and more.

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