Posted by Dave B on December 07, 2002 at 12:14:19:
All week I've been trying to work out the riffs in Neil Youngs "Hey Hey--My My". ( I have 3 harps----an
"A", a "C", and a "D." I just try all 3 & whatever sounds best....well....that must be the right one.)
The "C" sounded about right so all week I've been beating my against the wall trying to get it right with the "C". I hit about 90% of it but there were a few notes I just couldn't get. Come to find out----you need a Bb to play it right!!!!!!!!!.... Duh!!!!!
Anyway--I picked up Bb and what a's stilla little rough but all the notes sound right....
Not only that.....all the harps I've been using are wood. After about 5 months....I'm still not getting a proper bent note. There's a definite change in pitch
but it still didn't sound like the way it's played
on Gindicks CD. The harp I bought was a plastic one (special 20).......and it made a big difference.......2 and 4 draw bent sound just like the tape now. 3 draw bent still sounds lame but damn.....2 months ago I thought I'd NEVER be able to bend notes.............This is so cool...............Thx for listening.........Dave